
1nG0 - Informatik Grundlagen Online

Five Austrian universities are cooperating in eInformatics@Austria project to create the following MOOCs. The common logo for the MOOCs created is "1nG0 - Informatik Grundlagen Online". The educational videos created are freely available to all interested parties.




Digitales Leben – wie die Digitalisierung unseren Alltag transformiert

We live in an increasingly connected world – a world of digital opportunities and challenges. The units of the MOOC series “Digitales Leben” (“Digital Life”) explore different aspects of the digital transformation and cover a wide range of topics, such as the digital transformation in healthcare and law, algorithmic bias within institutions, the digital humanities, moral questions of human-robot interactions and AI, and hacking and making as active participation. More than four thousand participants have already taken part in the “Digitales Leben” MOOCs, benefiting from the insights and opinions of experts and researchers. Interactive elements and a moderated forum in each course support participants on their individual learning journey through the digital transformation.

Digital Life 1

  • Digital transformation in health care 
  • Digital transformation in law 
  • Robot ethics 
  • Algorithms and democracy 
  • Participating in the digital society 

Digital Life 2

  • Using Kant as a compass: four questions about digital life 
  • Algorithmic bias 
  • The digital transformation of knowledge management 
  • The digital transformation of reading: book or screen? 
  • DigiTransform: media, journalism, and media management 

Digital Life 3

  • Human-centered design and participation for successful human-computer interaction 
  • Designing digital futures 
  • Digital games: more than entertainment 
  • Learning from hackers: taking control of digital developments
  • Digital networks and the public 

Digital Life 4 

  • Digital responsibility and equal opportunities 
  • Aging, care, and technology 
  • Information quality: digital responsibility & citizenship education 
  • Trust and accountability in the time of Big Data
  • Digital Humanities and scholarly accountability 

Digital Life 5 (starting autumn 2024)



Courses offered at iMoox in MOOC-Serie "Digital Life"